Muzaferiyah Minaret (Choly Minaret)

Muzaferiyah Minaret (Choly Minaret)

Is 37m height, It is called so after the Atabikian Sultan Muzefer al-ddin Koukebri, who has ruled over Erbil from 1190 till 1232 A.D., and during his reign, the city lived it›s Golden Age. The Minaret is thought to be the remaining part of a large Mosque that was built at the same place. The people of Erbil call it “Choli Minaret”, which means the Minaret of mainland, because Erbil has known such a construction regression during the last centuries under the Ottoman rule, that the large Mosque became located out of it. But after the growth that it has known as a Kurdistani Governorate of Iraq, and later as the capital of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government, the city took back its old Minaret and the most famous archeological monument in it after the Castle. In appreciation to the honorable history of the Minaret, a public garden was designed around it and was called “Parki Minara”, meaning Minaret Public Park. The Minaret has a diameter of 21 feet and the height of the rest of it is more than 22m high. Furthermore, a project was adopted by the Kurdistan Regional Government to reconstruct the Minaret of Choli. However the project have been performed in order to re-establishment and protection by Erbil Governorate.