Qaysariyah Bazaar

Qaysariyah Bazaar

Qaysariyah Bazaar
It is the oldest market in Erbil, as its construction goes back to the epoch of Sultan Muzefer al-ddin Koukebri (6th century A.H.). It is located in the middle heart of the city south of the castle.It covers a quite wide surface area. The shops are overlapping and diversified,almost each shops is specified to specific marketing of various kinds of goods, such as (textiles, handmade and popular objects, clothes, and folkloric masterpieces, articles of luxury, perfumes, women’s accessories, gold and home supplies). There are also tens of shops specialized in local industries products side by side with tailors, carpenters and black smith….etc. However dairy products such as Kurdish cheese and Erbil Yogurt shops are found within bazaar. It should be noted that the neighboring region is crowded with restaurants, cafés, hotels, and all kinds of shops.