Reorganizing the street sidewalks and carrying excesses and violations

Reorganizing the street sidewalks and carrying excesses and violations

In the continuation of the campaign to organize the street sidewalks and remove excesses and violations in front of shops and in order to eliminate traffic obstacles for citizens, the teams of the department of excesses and street organization in the municipalities one and two, in the borders of their directorates, started reorganizing the streets in the market center and carrying all the violations and excesses that have been done to the public property by the shopkeepers and caused obstacles. Within the borders of their administrations, they began to reorganize the streets of the bazaar center and carry out all violations and excesses committed by shopkeepers on public property, creating obstacles to people's traffic, especially illegal advertising signs. Then, in addition to setting red lines in front of the places, all workers and owners of shops and markets were warned to comply with the decisions and instructions and maintain cleanliness and environment of their workplaces.