District Of Maxmwr

District Of Maxmwr

District of Makhmur
The District of Makhmur lies at the South of the Governorate of Erbil. As part of the Arabization and ethnic cleansing policy that the dictatorial regime adopted against the people of Kurdistan, the regime separated it from Erbil and annexed it to the Governorate of Nineva and it is now among the disputed territories range. The District is composed of three Sub-Districts: Qeraj, Dibega, and Gwer, in addition to 319 villages. The District of Makhmur lies in a plain region, and is known for its fertile soil. However, it lacks irrigation projects to promote irrigated agriculture. Makhmur’s farmers depend on rain water. Since Makhmur receives the lowest precipitations, the agricultural productions often face recession, namely cereals, which depend mainly on rain. The District is neighbored from west and south by the Governorate of Nineva, and from east and south east by the Little Zab River and the Governorate of Kirkuk.
Due to the rarity of water resources within the limits of the District of Makhmur, it is the least covered by green spaces in the Governorate. The most important resource in the District is oil and Gas, as the oil basin between the two Zab Rivers within the geographic limits of Makhmur is considered part of the famous Kirkuk basin, or its natural prolongation.