Derry Castle

Derry Castle

It is located in the north of Arbil, about 40 km to the left of the road between Arbil and the village (Daret Buzmar), where the castle is located northwest of the village of Diri, thus the castle was known as the last village. This castle was built on a mound of 30 meters high, and it is said that its history dates back to the first millennium AD, and the great pasha (Mir Muhammad), Amir of the state of Soran, restored it in order to take it as a garrison to repel the invaders as well as to protect the commercial caravan routes that were crossing the region at the time. The castle consists of a double wall that ends with four towers in each corner of it, in addition to a well of water drilling to provide the garrison with drinking water, and the castle has two gates on its eastern and western sides.