Jundyan Summer Resort
One of the famous summer resorts in Erbil, it is situated on the main road between Soran and Choman, 112km from Erbil and 5km from Soran, on the slope of Handren Mountain. It is famous for a magical fountain, where the water springs abundantly most of the seasons, and dries in autumn. It is strange that this fountain often stops springing without anyone knowing it is reason, and re-flow suddenly again. It is rich in trees, and water flows down a scaled slope. In summer from Jundyan, the temperatures do not exceed 33°C. There are many touristic places in there, such as restaurants, and cabin shops selling beverages and other needs for summer tourists. It is located 37 kilometers from the Rawanduz district center and is characterized by its mountainous nature. It is the destination of tourists during the seasons of the year for recreation