Erbil... At a cost of more than two billion dinars, laying the foundation stone for three schools

 Erbil... At a cost of more than two billion dinars, laying the foundation stone for three schools

As part of the ninth cabinet's agenda for the Kurdistan Regional Government, a commitment to advancing the education sector is evident. On Monday, February 26, 2024, with Dr. Alan Hama Saeed, Minister of Education, and Omed Khoshnaw, Governor of Erbil, in attendance, a UNHCR representative laid the foundation for three schools, each with 12 classes, in Kasnazan, Shawis, and Mamzawa, contributing to the educational development of the region.

With a budget of approximately 2.5 billion dinars funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the project aims to benefit over 30 thousand students.

During the ceremonies, the governor congratulated the students, teachers, and people of the neighberhood on the construction of these three schools. He also praised the directives of the Prime Minister and the priorities of the ninth cabinet in continuing to develop the education sector. He said, "In our ongoing commitment to citizen services, we extend gratitude to the UNHCR for the budget supporting these projects, which is appreciated by the Kurdistan Regional Government and the beneficiary citizens.

It is worth noting that, in the context of interest in the education sectors and providing an appropriate educational environment for students, a large number of schools have been built and renovated in recent years in Erbil Governorate.