In Erbil... Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu demonstration was held

In Erbil... Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu demonstration was held

This evening, Saturday September 21, 2024, with the presence of Omed Khoshnaw, Governor of Erbil, Falah Mustafa, Advisor to the President of the Kurdistan Region, Liu Jun, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Erbil, and a number of other consuls and envoys from various countries, as well as other sports officials and sports enthusiasts, a demonstration of Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu was held at the Shahid Saad Abdullah Hall in the capital Erbil. The event, which featured a number of athletes, was organized as part of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It was arranged by the Chinese Consulate in Erbil in coordination with the Kurdistan Sports Center.